Who are We?
The Ankeny TNR group was founded shortly after the Iowa Animal Rescue League dissolved their contract with the city of Ankeny. The Animal Rescue League got numerous people already doing Trap/Neuter/Release in Ankeny together to talk about the situation and what to do next.
Since April 2024, we've advocated for minor changes to the city code, talked to the City Manager's office about how to approach TNR realistically, and trapped a lot of cats.
Where do I start?
What would you like to know more about?
The Information Tab will take you to a series of guides and other information to help you with any cat related issue you're trying to solve.
Cats We've Helped
If you want to see quantifiable proof that we're out there trying to make a difference in Ankeny, you'll see it in the Cats tab.
Blogs, Who is Writing Blogs?!
The Blogs tab has blogs written by members concerning thoughts or trapping operations they undertook. Maybe some happy endings with kittens getting adopted. You could find just about anything down here.